Tour the Trends and Benchmark Dashboard in Attack Surface Management
Use the Trends & Benchmark dashboard to measure your attack surface size, risk counts, and average length of exposure for risks. These metrics, and their supporting segments, are trended over time to track changes. This helps you measure progress toward the goals you set for improving attack surface hygiene, reducing risky exposures, and effectively remediating critical risks.
The Trends and Benchmarks Dashboard focuses on 3 core metrics:
Attack surface size
Active risk count
Average length of exposure of risks
The dashboard provides a top-level metric, and also calculates counts for different breakdown segments of your attack surface.
Learn more about the metrics and how to use them.
Clicking a top-level metric filters the dashboard to show relevant breakdown segments.
Breakdown segments provide more context on why a top-level metric has changed or not.
For average length of exposure, segments are listed by severity, status, and risk category.
Explore changes in exposure length for different severities, categories, and asset types to explain why the overall length of exposure is trending up or down.
The benchmark sprite line shows a percent change compared to the 90 day average for a breakdown segment.
For example, the table below reports that the current number of unique host port numbers (112) 2.6% greater than the average number of ports open over the last 90 days, while the number of unique host countries is 14% greater than the average number of host countries reported over the last 90 days.
90 Day Trend LineThe 90 day trend line charts counts for a metric or breakdown field over a 90 day period.
For example, the table shows counts the average length of exposure for critical risks each day for the past 90 days. Historical data collection starts on the date the attack surface is created. For customers that have fewer than 90 days of history, the graph shows counts for the days that data is available. Time-series and 90 day benchmark data is calculated at 12am UTC for the past day.
Click any breakdown segments on the attack surface size and active risk count tabs to see the raw data contributing to the current value of the metric.
Clicking on a breakdown segment may show a filtered view of the asset inventory, risk instances, or inventory aggregations.
You can export the CSVs of these filtered views as a report to share with stakeholders and others on your team.
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