About the Censys Universal Internet Dataset BigQuery Dataset
The Censys Universal Internet Dataset is the most comprehensive Internet-wide scan data in the industry. This dataset supersedes the legacy IPv4 and IPv4 Banners datasets.
Censys global scanning engine continuously walks the entire IPv4 space, detecting 107 protocols on over 3500 ports to produce visibility in a high-resolution map of the public Internet. This provides a significant tool for threat hunters, attack surface managers, and other security professionals.
A 'snapshot' of every service on the Internet is taken every single day and is added as a partition to a dataset available to Censys Enterprise customers to query this data using Google BigQuery.
Scan data in any snapshot is never more than 10 days old, and the data for a service is either structured, protocol-specific key-value pairs, or, if the service is using an unknown protocol, banner data and/or TLS information.
Read this introduction to the host data model to learn how how Internet hosts are represented by Censys.
Explore the Censys Universal Internet Dataset schema for fields you can query.
Want to know the port distribution of SMTP services using the compromised TLSv1_0 encryption method on Jun. 9, 2021? Try this query:
SELECT tls.version_selected, service_name, port, COUNT(*) AS count FROM `censys-io.universal_internet_dataset.20210609`, UNNEST(services) WHERE tls.version_selected = 'TLSv1_0' AND service_name = 'SMTP' GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 ORDER BY 4 DESC
Want to see the software (in CPE format) reported by Telnet services across all ports today? Try running this query:
SELECT software.vendor, software.product, software.version, port, COUNT(*) AS count FROM `censys-io.universal_internet_dataset.current`, UNNEST(services), UNNEST(software) AS software WHERE service_name = 'TELNET' GROUP BY 1,2,3,4 ORDER BY 5 DESC
Or see a count of all the Kubernetes services across the Internet on May 25, 2021 grouped by the port they’re running on:
SELECT port, COUNT(*) AS count FROM `censys-io.universal_internet_dataset.20210525`, UNNEST(services) WHERE service_name = 'KUBERNETES' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC