Data Model for the Censys Universal Internet Dataset
The Censys Universal Internet Dataset provides accurate, up-to-date records about Internet-facing hosts: both information that applies to the host as a whole as well as information about the services running on the host.
Host information falls into 3 categories:
Host-level data.
Service summary data.
Service data.
Host-level data includes information applicable to the host as a whole:
IPv4 or IPv6 address
name, if applicable
routing information
operating system
A snapshot date also provides a timestamp from Censys for the representation of the host.
Host-level fields are located at the root level of the entity.
{ "host_identifier": { "ipv4": "", "ipv6": null, "name": null, }, "ipv4_int": "1039127850", "ipv6_int": null, "snapshot_date": "2021-05-23 00:00:00 UTC", "location": { "continent": "Asia", "country": "Hong Kong", "country_code": "HK", "city": "Shatin", "postal_code": "", "timezone": "Asia/Hong_Kong", "province": "Sha Tin", "coordinates": { "latitude": "22.3829", "longitude": "114.1779" }, "registered_country": "Hong Kong", "registered_country_code": "HK" }, "autonomous_system": { "asn": "9269", "description": "HKBN-AS-AP Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.", "bgp_prefix": "", "name": "HKBN-AS-AP Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd.", "country_code": "HK", "organization": null }, "operating_system": null }
Summary data includes fields that inventory the servicesCensys global scanning engineCensys global scanning engine detected on the host, presented as 2 lists: 1 of open ports and 1 of service names.
Each index in the ports_list
array is paired to the value with the same index in the service_names_list
Summary fields are located at the root level of the host entity.
Services is the bulk of host data, with a separate record to show each service scanned by Censys global scanning engine.
Within a service record, a few fields can act as a composite identifier:
Port number
Transport protocol (for example, TCP, UDP, QUIC).
Service name (or extended service name, if you prefer to see the TLS indicator on the name.
Service names usually reflect application-layer (OSI-model L7) protocols such as HTTP or AMQP, although they can also be app-specific services that run on top of HTTP, such as Kubernetes or CWMP.
Metadata includes information about when and from where Censys global scanning engine observed the service:
Perspective: the name of the ISP that Censys global scanning engine peered with.
Source IP
Observation timestamp
Discovery method: the name of the method by which a service was first found.
Service-specific data includes a map of parsed scan data that corresponds to the service name, TLS data, a banner, if applicable, and software information.
"services": [ { "tls": null, "banner": "SFRUUC8xLjEgNDA0IE5vdCBGb3VuZApDb250ZW50LVR5cGU6IHRleHQvaHRtbApTZXJ2ZXI6IFdlYlNlcnZlci8xLjAgVVBuUC8xLjAKRXh0OiA=", "http": { "request": { "method": "GET", "uri": "", "headers": [ { "key": "Accept", "value": { "headers": [ "Ki8q" ] } }, { "key": "User-Agent", "value": { "headers": [ "TW96aWxsYS81LjAgKGNvbXBhdGlibGU7IENlbnN5c0luc3BlY3QvMS4xOyAraHR0cHM6Ly9hYm91dC5jZW5zeXMuaW8vKQ==" ] } } ], "body": null }, "response": { "protocol": "HTTP/1.1", "status_code": "404", "status_reason": "Not Found", "headers": [ { "key": "Content-Type", "value": { "headers": [ "dGV4dC9odG1s" ] } }, { "key": "Server", "value": { "headers": [ "V2ViU2VydmVyLzEuMCBVUG5QLzEuMA==" ] } }, { "key": "Ext", "value": { "headers": [ "" ] } } ], "html_tags": [ "PHRpdGxlPk9iamVjdCBOb3QgRm91bmQ8L3RpdGxlPg==" ], "body_size": "189", "body": "PGh0bWw+CjxoZWFkPgo8dGl0bGU+T2JqZWN0IE5vdCBGb3VuZDwvdGl0bGU+PC9oZWFkPjxib2R5Pgo8aDE+T2JqZWN0IE5vdCBGb3VuZDwvaDE+VGhlIHJlcXVlc3RlZCBVUkwgJy8nIHdhcyBub3QgZm91bmQgb24gdGhlIFNlcnZlci48cD5SZXR1cm4gdG8gPEEgSFJFRj0iIj5sYXN0IHBhZ2U8L0E+PHA+CjwvYm9keT48L2h0bWw+" }, "body_hash": "c2hhMTozZjdhODk0YWI0NDhkNWFmNTlmN2M2ODQxY2Y2YjZkMGZkOTg2M2Rm" }, "software": [ { "uniform_resource_identifier": "cpe:2.3:a:hikvision:hikvision_web_server:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*", "part": "a", "vendor": "Hikvision", "product": "Hikvision Web Server", "version": null, "update": null, "sw_edition": null, "target_sw": null, "target_hw": null, "language": null, "component_uniform_resource_identifiers": [], "other": [], "edition": null, "source": "OSI_APPLICATION_LAYER" } ], "vnc": null, "rdp": null, "ssh": null, "mysql": null, "ipmi": null, "amqp": null, "elasticsearch": null, "kubernetes": null, "memcached": null, "mssql": null, "oracle": null, "prometheus": null, "redis": null, "snmp": null, "postgres": null, "mongodb": null, "bacnet": null, "dnp3": null, "dns": null, "ftp": null, "imap": null, "ipp": null, "modbus": null, "mqtt": null, "ntp": null, "pc_anywhere": null, "pop3": null, "s7": null, "smb": null, "smtp": null, "telnet": null, "fox": null, "openvpn": null, "coap": null, "truncated": false, "sip": null, "team_viewer": null, "x11": null, "skinny": null, "unknown": null, "cwmp": null } ] }
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